Tuesday 11 August 2015

Maximum Assets Limit Upon Indian Politicians

Every Indian knows very well how rich our politicians the representatives and ministers are, nothing less than billionaires. Most of these representatives come from poor families. But when they declare their assets, theirs are into thousand crores.
People who are not into politics and do business, and people who are in various business related fields know it very well how difficult it is to earn good profits. There are losses, defaults, recessions, slow-downs and a lot of such things.
But, when our politicians who’re originally from poor families come into politics, become representatives and ministers they usually do one thing. They simultaneously start their own enterprises of tender (theka) based businesses. Their so called businesses are so well managed that all tenders (theka) goes to them, their businesses never face any slow-down, recession, market constraints etc. Their so called businesses manners mock our hardcore corporate world and business tycoons.
The thing is crystal clear, these businesses are just name sake pseudo-businesses to cover up, and the actual activities are scams. Else coming from a poor family, having desire for public service can never give thousand percent returns, especially if one was never into corporate world.
India’s problem in dealing with scams is that our very legislatures are full of these culprits, who would never bring an act which could counter scams. It is election time; we are encouraged to give votes. Indian voters should demand an act of following nature:
There should be an act which should profess maximum assets that could be held by representatives and ministers. Maximum amount of money in any form that could be held by public representatives and ministers should be declared, say, not more than two or five crores assets in any form.
Second provision for such an act should be the very moment assets of any public representative or minister crosses the upper limit of maximum assets that person must resign from the chair. In another blog I wrote about declaration of personal financial accounts by public representatives and ministers just like corporations are asked to do: 'Financial Accounting Be Mandatory For MPs, MLAs'. The above scenario would make our political systems non-lucrative; corrupt people would stay away from politics and people with genuine desire for public service would enter politics.
But our malice is that there are a lot of bastards in Indian politics who are unfortunately our legislators, they would never like to make politics non-lucrative. Yet, I would say public has that capability and power, and could start with demand for such legislations.
I would like to appeal Indian voters to never give their precious vote to a person who has disproportionate assets in their opinion.

Hindi me: Bhartiya Netao Par Adhiktam Sampatti Ki Sima

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